Monday, 8 July 2013

SEO#2: How to measure the success of your SEO strategy? Set the right KPIs!

Today we speak about KPIs: Key Performance Indicators.
What's the difference between Goals/Objectives and KPIs?
I am sure many of you will find this question very easy to answer.
You will be surprised to know how many senior managers don't know this difference.

The presentation below will help you running the right SEO reports listing the most relevant SEO KPIs related to your strategy.

It's very common to see huge reports (please note that nowadays most of them are automated) with metrics that don't have absolutely nothing to do with the strategy of the company.

An advice for senior managers and business owners: NEVER TRUST HUGE REPORTS!

As usual I try to keep things easy: the objectives will tell you the direction and the KPIs will tell you if you are on the way to reach your destination.
To know more about SEO objectives and how to set them, read the SEO objectives goals I wrote for you.

So, if your objective is to go from Paris to Milan in less than 12 hours spending less than £200, your KPIs will be something like:
- Average Speed
- Average Consume
- Planned breaks
Many marketers will include also "Number of autovelox in New York": although this information is very interesting, it's not relevant to your objective so.. let's take this out!

So, how do you measure the success of your SEO strategy?

PS: thank your for teaching me so many things!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

SEO#1: How to set SEO goals?

Here we go: my first SEO guide!
I want to follow the same approach I had long time ago with PPC: training myself to train somebody else.
The 8 slides below quickly and easily describe the common mistakes that usually people do when setting SEO goals and my suggestions.. ok they are not 100% mine but the result of a long research ;)
On purpose I decided not to use technical words as this guide is not for digital marketing expert and.. I am a fan of the KISS strategy (Keep It Simply Stupid).

What are your SEO goals?


Would love to read your comment.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

PPC - Something to consider when evaluating and optimising a campaign

I built a simple table where you can easily see the relationship between CPC (cost per click), CPA (cost per acquisition) and CR (conversion rate) when evaluating and optimising a PPC campaign.
 The table below answers for example to the following questions: 
  1. Given a cpc and a max CPA, what's the minimum CR we need to have a successful campaign? This means:If you pay an average cost per click of £1 and you don't want to spend more than £10 per conversion --> check the table --> your campaign and landing page should guarantee at least 10% conversion rate (= every 10 clicks, 1 conversion.
  2. The conversion rate of my campaign is XX but I am spending to much per conversion. How much should I low the cpc in order to match my target CPA?This means: If your current CR is 10% and you want to spend 5£ (instead of £10) for your conversions --> check the table --> your cpc from 1 should go down to £0.50 I hope this helps.

Feel free to contact me if you want the xls file or if you simply need help reading the table.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Social Media Tools: Monitoring, Engaging, Reporting. How to select the right tool?

I have to select a Social Media tool to make my life easier (automating manual jobs) and to add quality to the info I provide my clients with.

There are lots of tools available in the market, some of them are for free, some are paid, some are very expensive!

Internet is full of information, guides, comparison tables and so on.

Where to start from?

Well, first thing I did was reading my bible ( and I came across very interesting articles, I would highlight one in particular about "Requirement for Social Listening tools".

Then I shortlisted 3 tools and tested them for few hours each and this is my feedback:

- Radian 6: although is considered to be one of the most popular tool, especially after it was acquired by SalesForce, I haven't tested it because I was very disappointed with the sales team. I sent them an email requesting info and trial account and they replied with few lines about the the features and the different product they have with relative price. They also added link to 1 minute Youtube videos in case I was interested in getting more details. Poor customer service, very expensive product: Radian 6 out!

- HootSuite: I use it every day and I think it's one of the best social networks management tool, I would go for a pro account ($9.99/month) just to have the possibility to upload content by using the bulk uploader. In terms of report, I have found it a bit poor and sometimes not accurate.

- Sysomos: it was suggested to me by my colleague Simon and so far it's my favorite tool. Michael, the sales guy who came to give me a face-to-face demo (different type of service compared to Radian 6), in less than 60 minutes, gave me a complete training on how to use to
he tool. I had a trial for few days and I have found it easy to use and useful: the amount of data offered, coverage, data latency, data export, and types of reports available were exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately Sysomos doesn't have yet an alert system, but I am sure they are working on it.

Anyway, the budget allocated for the Social Media tool was not enough to buy Sysomos, so next week I have to test 3 different tools: I think I will go for, and ... do you want to suggest the 3rd one?

My advice to you is: before testing any tool, make sure you know what you want to listen, measure and report on, then test the tools accordingly.